
有一天 宇宙不知何時的開始超速膨脹。人類社會遭遇了大危機 太陽系里的所有的星球均偏離了軌道,八大行星的軌道開始不穩定起來。隨著時間的匆匆逝去,宇宙中出現了一個大空洞 諾爾...


Hope is like a fire in the dark, to illuminate the road ahead, hope is like a small o...

Today, I saw a film, called "the pursuit of happyness". It is a very great film about...

Earth is too important for us because the earth is our only home .we can only live on...

I wake up at 7:10 every day.Then I get up. I get deressed and eat my breakfast.I put ...